My name is Nichole Kelley. I am running for reelection to the Metropolitan School District of Pike Township. I have been a resident of Pike Township for 20 plus years. I was elected to the board in 2020. I have just begun my eighth year of teaching in Indianapolis Public Schools. Prior to teaching I worked as a child welfare social worker. I have dedicated my career to helping children and families become the best version of themselves.
In the future I would like to see Pike move from good to great. I envision a future where Pike continues to increase the graduation rate as well as make gains in testing . I would like to see Pike teachers be supported even more.
​​Each year I have been on the board, we have been able to approve raises for the staff on all levels. I have been able to take part in the selection of a new superintendent. I serve as part of the board policy committee. I have worked to see that as new legislation has come forth, we have been able to implement it with consideration for the wellbeing of the entire district. I was part of the board that was able to assist Pike in securing a referendum in the spring. This will allow Pike to improve safety measures in the district, increase pay for teachers, and maintain the added counseling and instruction positions created during COVID. I have been through the process of selecting board members between an election year.
I am a supporter of public education. I believe that public dollars should fund public schools, not private schools.
Bachelor of Arts in Social Work - Anderson University
Master of Science in Management - Indiana Wesleyan University
General Education Certification - Indiana Wesleyan University
Special Education Certification - Indiana Wesleyan University
I am currently working on a Masters in School Counseling degree through Indiana Wesleyan University.